
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Born for such a Time as this

Have you thought of yourself as being born for such a time as this?  If you have been raised with a lot of self-condemnation, inferiority and rejection you might think of yourself as a nobody. Someone whom God has overlooked. You might believe that you are a nothing in His sight. If you are struggling in your self (flesh) to overcome your weaknesses and be a better person, believe me, I have tried and it is futile. The self life is very strong and only the power of the cross will separate you from it.

The self life is our sin nature that we were born with and we sin because we are sinners. But the good news is that our Creator knew that Adam would sin and that we ALL would fall into his transgression. It is like putting a black sock into wash load of white sheets and the wash comes out gray.  

You might be thinking, that is me, I am GRAY. But is that the truth?  It is the truth, if you are STILL in your sin of Adam. But you don't have to stay there.  There is the Good News. Jesus did not take the gray sheet and make it white!  He literally tore it to pieces and created a brand new white sheet!

You are I are NEW wine skins.  The Holy Spirit could never be poured into an old wine skin. Impossible.  When we begin to REALIZE that we are new wine skins, that we are not JUST a sinner saved by grace, but a new creation, a creation THAT HAS NEVER BEEN BEFORE, the world grows strangely dim.  We have been recreated for a greater purposes than this world will ever know, because "Greater is He in us then He who is in the world."(1 John 4:4).  "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  (Eph: 2:10)

The Lord declares of us today, that we are His delight and beloved sons and daughters.  He DOES NOT  see our sin, but sees us through Christ colored glasses. The more we accept ourselves as Jesus accepts us, the more I believe that we will sin less and love one another more.  If Jesus sees us in His blood, ought we not see our brothers and sisters the same?  2 Peter 4:8 says," Love covers a multitude of sin". By faith, The SINNER has died in Christ Jesus. We are NOW identified in Christ death, burial and resurrection.  Sin no longer has dominion over us. St Paul understood this well when he said,"Now if I do, what I do not want, it is NO longer I who do it, but SIN that dwells within me." Romans 7:20.  Sin may be ever present, but we don't have obey it.  

The blood of Jesus continuously forgives us,washes us, and cleanses us day after day. The gift of repentance is a rich blessing when we fall and it is  important to remember that  God still LOVES us, when we do fail. He will pick us up and set us back on the road, because we are His children and we have been born for such a time as this to bring glory to God in our Nation and to draw all men unto Him.

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