
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Amazing Grace

Down through the centuries, God has been restoring His truths to the church, and I believe that last and final truth is the person of Jesus Christ and all the He has accomplished on the cross.  The revelation of the FINISHED WORK of Jesus will get stronger and stronger in the end times, and man will begin to enjoy the full benefits of the new covenant of grace.

Jesus did not die on the cross for us because any one of us deserved it.  We all deserved hell's fire, but we have been redeemed by Jesus Christ.  The word "redeem" literally means "to buy with a price". The price here is Jesus Himself.  He gave Himself up as a ransom for you and me.  He gave Himself for us, so that you and I can receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness to reign in life.  It is all about Jesus.

In these last days, I believe the Lord is calling His bride out of the world and exposing the devil.  By the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the written word, He is setting the captives free. Free from  false Christianity, false doctrines, cheap grace and from being deceived and condemned under the Law.

I don't want you to take my word for it. I want you to crack open your bible and study the Word of God for yourself, and see the grace of our Lord Jesus in the new covenant, coming alive.  Grace is NOT a doctrine.  Grace is a person and His name is Jesus.  Therefore, there is not grace teaching without Jesus Christ.  You cannot separate Jesus and grace!  If someone keeps dropping the word "grace", but there is no exaltation of Jesus and His finished work, it is NOT the gospel of grace.

Grace makes nothing of your efforts, your performance or your doing. It makes nothing of man's efforts and points completely to Jesus' efforts and what he has done.  The law makes one self-conscious.  It is always asking "what must I do?"  But grace makes one Christ-conscious.  It is always asking, "what has Jesus done?"

  Under the Law, the burden is on us to perform.  Under grace,the burden is on what Christ has performed on the cross.  That is why Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for My yoke is easy and light." (Matthew 11:28,30) Jesus was not speaking to people who were tired and weary from their secular jobs. He was talking to people who were weary and heavy laden by the requirements of the law of Moses. The yoke of the law is hard and heavy.  Jesus came to reveal grace, and the yoke of grace is easy and light because it involves none of us and all of Christ  He has borne the burden of sin on our behalf.  Under grace, our part is to only believe on Jesus Christ, and when we believe, we are blessed and made righteous! Isn't that amazing grace?


  1. isn't grace amazing?

  2. Dottie,
    Happy New Year!!! I loved your blog on 'Amazing Grace'. So freeing
    Bless you,

  3. I got you Gerri. I also tried to respond by email. Did that work? I am so happy that Amazing grace was freeing for you. It truly is amazing grace. I just wrote one about righteousness that is a little different. See what you think
    Love in Him,


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