
Tuesday, May 28, 2019


It is so easy to think that the Holy Spirit  is not a person, but as some godly influence or power. But He is not.  He is God too. I know that we are not to worship the Holy Spirit, but without Him, we would never know Jesus or be able to understand the Word of God.  He is our teacher and revealer of all truth. He always points us to Jesus. Without Him we would never have a relationship with our God.

 We believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.We accept the  adoption of our Father as sons and daughters, but we so often neglect the importance of the Holy Spirit as a person too!  Is He not the person who prays through us in agreement with Jesus in Heaven?   Jesus sent Him from the Father to replace Himself on earth when He left to be at His Father's right hand. He did not want to leave His disciples as orphans.  As His disciples today in 2019, the same is true.  We are not orphans.  The Holy Spirit's work continues among us.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me". How can we hear His voice except through the person of the Holy Spirit in us? The Holy Spirit is like the sheep dog that rounds up the sheep at the command of the Shepherd's whistle and herds them into a pen. He takes his orders from the Shepherd only.

 Peter preached saying,"repent, be baptized, received the Holy Spirit.? Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? " We were baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, but have we ever acknowledge Him or allowed Him to baptize us in the power of His Love?   

Let  us not neglect to acknowledge Holy Spirit as an important person in the Godhead,  and  thank the Lord Jesus for sending Him to take His place. Through the Holy Spirit we will experience the presence of God, the fellowship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The Throne room is open all the time. The blood of the lamb avails for us to enter in.  Our born again spirits  ignite with excitement and joy as we enter into fellowship with the God of this universe. Come let us worship our God together: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Have you ever seen a sheep herding contest?  I saw my first one at the Fryeberg Fair in Maine. Half the time, the sheep  ignored the  dog, refusing to obey his lead. But the sheep dog just patiently waited for the shepherd to whistle his commands. Then like a shot, the dog would race across the field, nipping at the kneels of the sheep directing them towards the pen.  I was amazed how many of the sheep fought entering one by one through a narrow gate.  Eventually, the shepherd and his sheep dog herded them into the pen. The contest lasted about ten minutes. The shepherd and his dog, who were the fastest to herd their sheep into the pen and close the gate won.

This event was one of the most fascinating to watch, especially the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep dog. It reminded me of one of the glories of our Lord Jesus, our Good Shepherd. 

 Jesus Christ is the Shepherd, we are the sheep and the Holy Spirit is the sheep dog.  The Holy Spirit was sent into the world to bring us back through the NARROW GATE to the Good Shepherd. The Holy Spirit is often called the "the hound of heaven" and I can see why.  He is determined to fulfill the glory of the Good Shepherd in His sheep even if we go astray, He will be nipping at our heels.

Sheep have such a mind of their own. How appropriate it is for the Lord to call us His SHEEP.  By working together, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit hems us in on all sides leading us through the NARROW GATE on our journey home.  If we are left to ourself, we would wander in this world without hope.  

I am so grateful to be born again by the grace of God and able to confess that Jesus Christ is THE NARROW WAY: THE ONLY WAY  BACK TO MY FATHER IN HEAVEN. John 14:6.