Once we believe, and by faith receive, God's love and forgiveness, it opens up a new world. A world foreign to all that we have known. A world where selfishness, pride, greed, envy , violence, and hatred do not rule but are swallowed up by His almighty love. A love that gives itself away to others. All things have become new.
The addictions and private hells that men and women once faced are dismissed by the power of His Cross. Jesus has been to the depth hell and come out victorious in resurrection power, breaking the bondage of sin. In Him, we are apart of a NEW MANKIND. We have never been before.
Joined to Him, Spirit to spirit, we have been born from above to be part of this NEW KIND OF HUMANITY. The world around us still may HAUNT us, but IN HIM, we have come to the ultimate reality. We are alive for the first time no longer WALKING DEAD MEN SPIRITUALLY SEPARATED FROM OUR CREATOR. Once we inhabited the domain of darkness, but now translated into The Kingdom of His dear Son. Colossians 1:13,14.
This NEW COMPANY of people is made up of men and women who believe that Jesus is the final reality. He is the Truth , the only way to the Father, He has died in their place for forgiveness of sin and believe that this world is in PROCESS of passing away.
This company of LOST PRODIGALS have been found, forgiven , MADE NEW, and crazy with JOY. They worship and give thanks and in their gatherings, encouraging one another, " HE IS ALIVE, HE IS PRESENT", establishing them in this NEWNESS OF LIFE. They are new creations. I Cor. 5:17.
Out of death has come new life and a new kind of humanity from every color and nation that has been created. If you are in Christ you are seated in Him in Heavenly Places. And it is all by GRACE THROUGH FAITH in the finished work of Christ. He died in our place, and rose again to bring us home to our Father.
On earth today there are three kinds of people groups: the Jew, the Gentile (all the other nations) and the Born from Above believers. All three groups contain peoples from many nations. Have you ever thought about which people group you belong ? Your future will depend on it. Only the new group created out of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus will see Heaven. Repent, Believe and Receive the Holy Spirit ." YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN."
John 3:3-7
I have something interesting to share with you. Do you remember how on the cross Jesus cried out "Eli, Eli, Lama sabachthani?"My God my God why have you forsaken me?" I have always wondered why. I assumed that it was at that time He became my sin and the Father had to turn His head away. I think it is still good a reason, however, I would like to share another thought to ponder.
If Jesus was the Messiah, where was the proof? When Jesus cried out on the cross, "My God my God why hast thou forsaken me?", He was singing in His weaken voice Psalm 22, " My God My God why have you forsaken Me' The Jews knew this song. When Jesus sang it from the cross He was declaring , "I am He." The Jews were very familiar with this Psalm and believed that the Messiah would quote it when He came. In fact, someone near the cross said,"Surely He must be the Messiah!"
Another interesting situation that Jesus wanted to proof His Messiahship was when Jesus intentionally waited four days before He arrived at Lazarus' tomb. Mary and Martha were all upset and wondered why Jesus took so long. After three days a dead body starts to decay and stinks. One knows it is dead. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing by waiting. Again He used this opportunity to declare His Messiahship . (John 11:21-25)
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection , and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live."
His resurrection is the foundation of our faith. If He is not risen than we are still in our sins. Jesus truly is the Messiah. I know He is alive because He lives within my heart. The sinner ( me) has died in Christ, is buried in Him and am raised to newness of life. God's word is true: repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit.