
Friday, October 4, 2019


Have you ever felt it has been hard to emotionally receive the Father's love? The Father demonstrated His love, and gave up His Son.  After the resurrection He sent back the Holy Spirit to shed His love abroad in our new hearts. Why should it be so hard?

I don't confess to have all the answers but for me, it took several years before I could accept His love. I was too afraid to FEEL His compassion. It was one thing for God the Father to love Jesus, He was His son, but why should I be so afraid to receive His love for me?  I was His daughter! I think I have figured it out.

God the Father is a person too.  He has a mind, a will and emotions. On earth the only father love I had ever experienced was my own father; a  man rather distant, too busy, and indifferent. I think he loved me.  He never said so. At least he was in the home and provided for the family. 

At thirty years old when I came to Christ, I brought with me the same emotional feelings of my heavenly Father that I had experienced with my earthly dad. "He was distant, too busy and indifferent. "I think He loves me?"  

One morning when I was in prayer,  I had this vision.  I saw a baby in the arms of Jesus. As He lifted the baby up  before the Father, I heard my name presented before the Throne of Grace, "This is Dorothy Jane ---- I bought her in my blood for You.  Receive your daughter Father."  Jesus then said to me, "Now go and tell others what you have seen.  For every one who I call by name, I do the same."  I laid weeping on the floor. I don't know how long. The love of the Father flowed over me. I have never been the same since. Believe and receive the Father's love for you. He is NOT your earthly father.  You are a child of God, He is your  forever real father, who will never ever forsake you. You can trust His love. It truly is amazing 

Psalm 139 :14-18 and Jeremiah 1:5