
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Voice of Condemnation

Have you ever thought that condemnation has a VOICE and it isn't yours? The thoughts may really be the VOICE of the accuser of the brethren, Satan himself who stands before God with all kinds of lies and accusation? You might have thought in your mind like, you are unfit for the Kingdom and useless as a person. Your character is under attack.  It will say things like," you are a failure, you are stupid, you are a loser,  you can't do anything right. And you call yourself a Christian!" The list goes on and on. Whose voice is  it?

It is Satan's voice. It is NOT the voice of our Lord Jesus, who came to destroy the works of the devil and to set us free from the power of sin.  You can always tell a voice of condemnation because it is very vague and not specific. You will just feel guilty, dirty, ashamed, unclean and unwanted. It will lie to you that you can't possibly be a  a new creation in Christ and that you have been cleaned by the blood of Jesus.  Satan is a LIAR.  If you are in Christ, you are NOT condemned. We can confess our sin and God is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We are NOT accused. The blood of Jesus delivers us out of condemnation. Renounce the lie, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee. (James 4:7) 

The VOICE of conviction is the VOICE of the HOLY SPIRIT. He will not attack your character or make you feel dirty or guilty.  He will be very SPECIFIC with His corrections.  For instance, perhaps, I spoke unkindly to my husband or a friend.  I will feel convicted and need to repent. I will even want to ask them for forgiveness for my behavior and God will change my heart.  The Holy spirit is more interested in our heart than accusing us. John 16:10 says, "The Holy Spirit convict us of righteousness ".  It is like the Lord says to us, "My son, my daughter, I am leading you into the path of righteousness for My Name sake. You are now learning My righteous ways, follow me. "

The VOICE in the Garden with Adam and Eve is still the same VOICE today.  Satan is  alive and well today and loves to keep us under condemnation.. The world is fallen and Satan, the father of lies is trying to keep us in chains of condemnation as long as we believe  his lies.  That is why the Lord is crying to the church today,' COME OUT, COME OUT OF THE WORLD, AND BE SET APART TO ME AND I WILL KEEP YOU FROM CONDEMNATION AND YOU WILL GROW TO KNOW ME IN MY RESURRECTION POWER. YOU ARE IN THE WORLD, BUT NOT OF IT!"

When you are convicted, you will never feel condemned.  The Holy Spirit will speak the truth in love and you will repent and turn to Him.  You don't have to live another day under condemnation.  Shut the door in the face of the devil and turn to the Lord. He will keep you safe with Him all the days of your life, until you see Him face to face. Psalm 91

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