As an American christian ,it is easy to think that the abundant life is a new house, a bigger house, a new car, fancy designer clothes, an Ivy league college education, an influential circle of friends and a 6 figure salary. It doesn't get any better than that. Thank you Jesus. But, what if you were living in Africa, India or South American? Would you feel that the Lord didn't care about you and was giving His leftovers to you? What is the abundant life that the Lord is speaking about in John 10:10?
I would like to propose the real abundant life is not a WHAT, but a WHO. Jesus said in John 14:6 that He was the way, the truth and the LIFE. I believe that Jesus is the abundant life and that His desire is to give to ALL His children, in every nation, Himself, if only we would believe His Word." Jesus came to give us life, and life more abundantly. Is this eternal life? It could be at some level, but He didn't say, I have come to give you 'eternal' life, but an 'abundant life'. We already have eternal life through our new birth, and no man can snatch us out of His hands.
However, we are still on earth with trials and tribulations. Is Jesus enough to take us through our testing times? When we are sick, struggling with a disease, or a besetting sin is Jesus enough? How can He help us.? Where is this abundant Jesus? It is written, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Free from what? I believe we are free from the consequences of Adam's sin, which is sin, sickness and disease. Jesus is our redeemer, healer and deliverer. We are NOT under the Law, but under Grace. We are children of a New Covenant, born again in Christ Jesus. That doesn't mean we don't sin, get sick and contract some disease. The Good news is Jesus has overcome the world. He died and absorbed into Himself all our sins, sicknesses and diseases that we inherited in Adam. By faith in His resurrection He gives to us His abundant life. Truly, it seems like an uneven exchange, but it is true.
It grieves my heart when I sin to know that it cost My Lord His life. There is only one answer I know, "It will cost me my life," and I can't continue to sin. I hate my sin. It is wicked. I am very grateful for the gift of repentance and being able to take responsibility for my sin of unbelief, rebellion, self-righteousness,, self-pity, pride, arrogance, unforgiveness, hate, anger, and complaining. The list goes on and on. I don't feel condemned, but graciously forgiven and am being changed from the inside out from glory to glory.
Yes, Jesus is the abundant life no matter where we live. He has
overcome the spirit of the world, our flesh (sin nature) and the devil. Satan no longer can hold us in bondage to our sin, but only what we consciously or unconsciously give Him. Apart from the Lord, we can do nothing that is holy, righteous and good. He is the new life in us that produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, gentleness,kindness, goodness, and self-control. He is our health, our provider, our righteousness, our wealth, our hope, our faith, our love, our forgiveness, our mercy, and our ABUNDANT LIFE no matter what nation we might live in.
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