
Tuesday, January 8, 2019



Abide in Me.
Be grafted into me,
for on the cross
I allowed My body to be broken
in order that I might draw you into Me.
I have exposed to you My inner self,
and I have opened a way for you to become one with Me.

Place your life into Mine.
I will surround you with My love.
I will cover  you with My protection
that you may stand steady
despite the gales of life.

I will nourish you
with My unlimited resources.
Will quench your thirst
with My life-giving water.

As you allow Me to shape and prune your life
through your obedience to My teachings,
 I will help you grow
 and become so much a part of Me
that your life will produce the fruit of Christlikeness -
      the fruit of love , joy, peace,
          patience , kindness, goodness,
             faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

And through the fruit
 that I will produce in your life,
others will see Me in you;
and they, too, will be led
to become grafted into Me.

Based on John 15:1-8; Galatians 5:22-23
     (c)1994 Marlene Bagnull by permission.

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