So many times I have taken for granted the very air I breathe. I hardly ever think about it. It just do it. It's natural, so I think. But is that true? Is it really me that keeps me alive? Am I really in control of my breath? Am I truly aware that the breath He gives me has a divine purpose?
Psalm 150:6 says it the best. " Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." How amazing is this! Have you ever noticed how tree branches grow upward towards the sun and how the birds sing their different morning and evening songs? Even the wind has its soft whispers of praise, as the flowers turn their lovely faces towards the sun. All this praise surrounds us all the time. It is so easy to ignore it and to seek the praise for oneself instead of praise for our creator.
There was a time in my life when I hardly ever recognized God's splendor. I was too busy seeking my own glory. I was so blinded by my own self importance that I never took the time to delight in the beauty of nature around me.
I will never forget the day when the Lord graciously told me, "My daughter, your pride is stealing My glory." I was stopped dead in my tracks! The sin of pride in my heart was seeking its own praise and glory, because I wanted to feel accepted and important. It was the truth. I was so blinded seeking the praises of men. It wasn't until the Lord opened my eyes with the gospel, that I realized that I was born to glorify God. Adam lost God's glory that once clothed him in the Garden, when he choose to rebel. Christ purchased it back for His bride, the church, to wear His glory forever. There is no competition between God's glory and man's. It is all God's glory and pride surrenders to the cross. The sinner must die.
As a born again Christian, there is no greater purpose in this life then to glorify our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been given back spiritual breath, so that we can join with all of creation and sing with King David,"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Don't waste your breath on this temporary world that is passing away. Let our praise resound in heavenly places until He takes our last breath from this world and we enter our eternal home. To Him be all praise, honor, and glory forever and ever.
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