
Saturday, August 25, 2012

An Early Inheritance

Have you ever been in a place where you wished that you could get an early inheritance?  My husband and I have several times in our fifty-four years of marriage been in need of an early inheritance.  There were times when he was out of work and we are able to receive a small early inheritance to help us get back on our feet. I remember thinking, "I am glad that we didn't have to wait until after my parents died to receive any inheritance., we need it NOW!"

Living in a fallen world, we need an early inheritance from our Lord to enable us to survive the ever growing  darkness. We believers live in enemy territory.  We are in the world but not of it. Jesus said that the prince of this world comes but He has nothing to do with him and neither should we.  We are hidden in Christ in God and protected from the evil one.  This world is NOT our home.  We have been bought by the precious blood of Jesus and we DON'T  belong to this world any more.  We belong to Christ and His Kingdom.  In this world we are surrounded with darkness that wants to keep us in bondage and destroy our faith. That is why we need an early inheritance to secure are journey in this world until we arrive safely home.

I believe our early inheritance is the PERSON of the Holy Spirit. In the early days of my faith I didn't realize how important the person of the Holy Spirit was to keep me in this world from evil, sin and destruction. I had to learn the hard way many times, but it was always the Holy Spirit who met me and pointed me back to Jesus. 

When I think about it, if it wasn't for the gift of the Holy Spirit all I would have is Christianity or religion.  Ephesians 1:13-14, "we were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it." Another way of saying it is, " the Holy spirit is a taste of earnest or an early inheritance until we receive the full inheritance."  But until then, we have ALL the power we need for life and godliness in the person of the Holy Spirit.

For instance, you have a health issue and the doctors are not hopefully.  The Holy Spirit always has the LAST word for a believer.  Jesus is our  healer and the Holy Spirit brings the word of God to bear. Without the Holy Spirit in us and with us, we would not know how much the Lord loves us and desires to heal us.  Sometimes, physical healing will come as the Holy Spirit heals our broken heart and delivers our soul from rejection, anger, jealousy or bitterness.  We have no idea how much the Holy Spirit desires to help us, if we ONLY we would let Him. As believers He is are only connection with the Father and our Lord.  Without Him we know nothing.

In the following post I am going to share our inheritance in Christ and how we can draw on it by faith through the person of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has so much to give to us through the Holy Spirit if ONLY we would acknowledge and believe His life is in us NOW (Romans 5:5). 

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